Unexpected elements have been found in the atmospheres of white dwarfs which suggest that the stars may have been eating broken-up asteroids.
Most of the exoplanets that we know of today have been discovered around main sequence stars which are in the prime of their lives. However in billions of years time, many of these stars will have gone through a swollen red giant phase and then contracted to become a stellar remnant known as a
white dwarf.
Animpressionofanasteroidbreaking up into dust around a white dwarf. Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech
White dwarfs are composed of either hydrogen or helium, and should be completely free of any heavier elements, which astronomers call “metals.” However, this is not always the case.Using spectra obtained from several large telescopes, Boris Gaensicke from the University of Warwick found that many white dwarfs have metals in their atmospheres. "We found oxygen, magnesium, silicon, and iron, which are elements common in terrestrial bodies," Gaensicke told delegates of the National Astronomy Meeting.It is also known from infrared measurements that a small percentage of white dwarfs have circumstellar discs.
Circumstellar discs are more often seen around young stars, as it is a natural by-product of star formation. However, the discs surround the white dwarfs are thought to have a different origin.If an asteroid is perturbed by an unseen planet, it could be sent on a collision course with the white dwarf. The intense tidal forces of the white dwarf would then rip the asteroid apart before it actually impacting the star; thus creating a disc of dust. This dust is then accreted onto the white dwarf, polluting it with heavy metals, and this material can accrete onto white dwarfs at a phenomenal rate of one million kilograms every second.
It is possible to measure the minimum mass of the accreted material, and Gaensicke said that this varies between the mass of Ceres and the mass of Pluto. If more material than this were to be accreted onto a white dwarf, such as the equivalent of an Earth-mass planet, then the spectrum would become so polluted with metals that it would be almost unrecognisable as a white dwarf. Thus by measuring the abundance of the white dwarf atmospheres, it is possible to measure the abundance of rocky objects around white dwarfs.
အဃိ အဟီဢ္ ခိဢ္ မဲာ္ဖံးခိဢ္သ့ဢ္တဖဢ္န႔ဿ္အိဢ္ ကဲထီဢ္သးအက့ဿ္အဂီၯအကလုာ္ကလုာ္ ဒ္ အမ့ဿ္လဿဿ္
ဘံဢ္ဘဢ္ လ့ဘံဢ္ဘဢ္လဿလီၯလးသ့ဢ္တဖဢ္လဿဿ္ထူဢ္ဖးဒိဢ္သ့ဢ္တဖဢ္လဿအိဢ္၀ဲတုၯမဲာ္ကြဿ္က
တဿဿ္၀း၀း ဖဲတဿ္လီဿ္၀ဲအံၯန႔ဿ္လီၯ႕လ့ဘံဢ္ဘဢ္တနွီၯန႔ဿ္ အိဢ္ကဲထီဢ္အသးလဿ ကမါပူၯဒီး
၀ဲအတဿ္အိဢ္တဿ္ဆိးအလီဿ္လဿလဿဿ္လဿအညဢ္မၯအသးပွဲဢ္ပွဲဢ္သ့ဢ္တဖဢ္ အ၀ဲသ့ဢ္ဘဿဢ္ဖ်ိ
Elkep Evi ဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္)
Elkep Evid ဟိိဢ္တဲ(လ္)အခိဢ္ထီး
ဖဲမုဢ္နၯ ခီကတီဿ္ ဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္) Elkep Evi အတဿ္ဃံတဿ္လၯ
Cappadocia ဟီဢ္က၀ီၯပူၯဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္) လဿတဿ္ဘဿဢ္ဖ်ိ ပ်ၯဖ်ိ လဿဿ္ဒီးတ့ထီဢ္အီၯ
ခဲလဿဿ္အက်ါန႔ဿ္ Elkep Evi ဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္)မ့ဿ္၀ဲခဲလဿာ္အက်ါ အဂ့ၯကတဿဿ္တဖ်ဿဿ္လီၯ.
ဖဲဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္) ၀ဲအံၯ အိဢ္ဒီးတဿ္ဒဲးကံဿ္ဒဲး၀့ၯဃံဃံလၯလၯအါ မးလီၯ.ဖဲElkepEvi
ဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္)လဿဿ္ကအိပူၯလီဿ္မံလဿတဿ္မၯန႔ဿ္အီၯခီဖ်ိ တဿ္ဘဿဢ္ဖ်ိန႔ဿ္လဿဿ္ပူၯ
တဖဢ္အံၯတဖဢ္အံၯ ၾကဿး၀ဲဘဢ္၀ဲလဿပွၯလဿအလဲၯဟးဟါနံမူသ့ဢ္တဖဢ္
ပွၯလဿအဟးပသူဢ္တဖဢ္ပွၯလဿ အအဲဢ္ဒိးဃုထံဢ္သ့ဢ္ညါန႔ဆဿဿ္ခိဢ္
ဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္) လီဿ္မံဖိလဿအကရွဲ ကရွီမုာ္မုာ္တဖဢ္
ဖဲတဿ္ဂိာ္ခါကတီဿ္ပထံဢ္ဘဢ္ ဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္) အတဿ္ဃံတဿ္လၯဒ္အံၯလီၯ
ဘံဢ္ဘဢ္ လ့ဘံဢ္ဘဢ္လဿလီၯလးသ့ဢ္တဖဢ္လဿဿ္ထူဢ္ဖးဒိဢ္သ့ဢ္တဖဢ္လဿအိဢ္၀ဲတုၯမဲာ္ကြဿ္က
တဿဿ္၀း၀း ဖဲတဿ္လီဿ္၀ဲအံၯန႔ဿ္လီၯ႕လ့ဘံဢ္ဘဢ္တနွီၯန႔ဿ္ အိဢ္ကဲထီဢ္အသးလဿ ကမါပူၯဒီး
၀ဲအတဿ္အိဢ္တဿ္ဆိးအလီဿ္လဿလဿဿ္လဿအညဢ္မၯအသးပွဲဢ္ပွဲဢ္သ့ဢ္တဖဢ္ အ၀ဲသ့ဢ္ဘဿဢ္ဖ်ိ
ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္မဲာ္ဖံးခိဢ္အကလုာ္ကလုာ္လဿ Cappadocia ဟီဢ္က၀ီၯပူၯ
၀့ဿ္ Goreme အတဿ္ဃံတဿ္လၯ
ပအိဢ္ကြဿ္စိလီၯ၀့ဿ္ Goreme လဿတဿ္လုဿ္ခိ္ဢ္ဒ္အံၯလီၯ
တဿ္လီဿ္လဿပွၯလဲၯဟးအါကတဿဿ္န႔ဿ္မ့ဿ္၀ဲ ဖဲ လဿဿ္သ့ဢ္ တဖဢ္ ခီဖ်ိ ထံ ဒီး ကလံၯအီဢ္ကြံာ္အီၯအဃိ
အကဲထီဢ္အသးဒ္ မ့ဢ္အူပ်ီ လဿ တဿ္ကိး အီၯလဿ မုာ္ဃါမ့ဢ္အူပ်ီ တဿ္လီဿ္န႔ဿ္လီၯ.
အကဲထီဢ္အသးဒ္ မ့ဢ္အူပ်ီ လဿ တဿ္ကိး အီၯလဿ မုာ္ဃါမ့ဢ္အူပ်ီ တဿ္လီဿ္န႔ဿ္လီၯ.
Elkep Evi ဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္)
Elkep Evid ဟိိဢ္တဲ(လ္)အခိဢ္ထီး
ဖဲမုဢ္နၯ ခီကတီဿ္ ဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္) Elkep Evi အတဿ္ဃံတဿ္လၯ
Cappadocia ဟီဢ္က၀ီၯပူၯဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္) လဿတဿ္ဘဿဢ္ဖ်ိ ပ်ၯဖ်ိ လဿဿ္ဒီးတ့ထီဢ္အီၯ
ခဲလဿဿ္အက်ါန႔ဿ္ Elkep Evi ဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္)မ့ဿ္၀ဲခဲလဿာ္အက်ါ အဂ့ၯကတဿဿ္တဖ်ဿဿ္လီၯ.
ဖဲဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္) ၀ဲအံၯ အိဢ္ဒီးတဿ္ဒဲးကံဿ္ဒဲး၀့ၯဃံဃံလၯလၯအါ မးလီၯ.ဖဲElkepEvi
ဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္)လဿဿ္ကအိပူၯလီဿ္မံလဿတဿ္မၯန႔ဿ္အီၯခီဖ်ိ တဿ္ဘဿဢ္ဖ်ိန႔ဿ္လဿဿ္ပူၯ
တဖဢ္အံၯတဖဢ္အံၯ ၾကဿး၀ဲဘဢ္၀ဲလဿပွၯလဿအလဲၯဟးဟါနံမူသ့ဢ္တဖဢ္
ပွၯလဿအဟးပသူဢ္တဖဢ္ပွၯလဿ အအဲဢ္ဒိးဃုထံဢ္သ့ဢ္ညါန႔ဆဿဿ္ခိဢ္
ဃဿၯတဿ္ဃံတဿ္လၯသ့ဢ္တဖဢ္ ပွၯလဿ အသးစဲလဿတဿ္အိဢ္ဆူဢ္အိဢ္ခ့်ပွၯလဿ
ဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္) လီဿ္မံဖိလဿအကရွဲ ကရွီမုာ္မုာ္တဖဢ္
ဖဲတဿ္ဂိာ္ခါကတီဿ္ပထံဢ္ဘဢ္ ဟိဢ္တဲ(လ္) အတဿ္ဃံတဿ္လၯဒ္အံၯလီၯ
ဟံန႔ဿ္အီၯလဿ ,,,
Colored By Their Lunch- Pink Animals Animals
The plant and animal kingdoms abound with bright colors, from the lush green of photosynthesizing plants to the bold black and orange stripes of tigers. Color plays a multitude of roles in the natural world, used to entice, to camouflage, or to warn other creatures. Colors signal harvest time, breeding conditions, and the change of seasons, from the first greens of spring to the brilliant reds and browns of the fall. Plants, however, can produce a range of pigments, so many animals are colored by what they eat. Flamingos range in color from light pink, from eating crustaceans such as shrimp and prawns, to bright red, from eating spirulina and other types of algae. The color comes from carotene, the same substance that colors yams and cantaloupe. Pink pigs (and people) display beauty that’s only skin deep but when pink appears as an animal’s prime pigment the results can be strikingly beautiful… they don’t call it “shocking pink” for nothing! This proud posse of puce poseurs provides proof positive pink can be a perfectly pleasing pigment. Some of the most striking cases of pink colored animals are collected below.
Pink Katydid
Dragon Millipede
Pink Dragonfly
Pink Starfish
Pink Frogfish
Pink Land Iguana
Pink Flamingos
IMAGE SOURCES Copyright @ Jungle Magazine
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